Praveen Nair‍

(Nair rhymes with 🔥)

Praveen Nair

👋 Hey, I'm Praveen! I just finished my master's degree in Computer Science at UC San Diego, researching the responsible use of algorithms in society and causal discovery.

prnair@ucsd.eduCVGoogle ScholarGitHubLinkedIn

I was advised by Professor David Danks of the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI) and Department of Philosophy at UCSD, with whom I have continued to work on a couple projects. My thesis research deals with using causal inference and active learning in fairness-sensitive decisions where outcomes are not always observed, establishing how even without active bias or flawed models, imbalances in group size can lead to differences in uncertainty. I was also a teaching assistant in HDSI, supervising the senior capstone course and DSC 80.

Prior to my graduate study, I was a data science major at UC San Diego 🔱, graduating with minors in history and liguistics, and a concentration in political science. (They wouldn’t let me triple minor.)

Outside the classroom, I was the sports editor of The UCSD Guardian, was in UCSD’s quizbowl club, and spent a summer making a documentary about UCSD’s history. In my free time, I’m watching as many sports as I can, reading Wikipedia pages, and watching movies.

🧑‍💻 Research Interests

This site was made with Point Theme, a Jekyll theme by Kat Huang (katmh). The source for this site is available here. Let me know if I’ve made any mistakes or if I need to update something!